George Kosch started the home business bootcamp training today with recognition for Worldprofit's "oldest and wisest" Dealer.
Mr. John Covault is the sharp age of 98!
John is an inspiration to all for showing us that age is no obstacle to learning and building an online business. Over the years, three members of the Covault family have been Worldprofit Dealers. John tells us that he works away at his business to keep his mind active.
Congratulations John Covault for showing such determination and strength in staying active in your online business. We salute you!
George then shared that we just finalized commission checks for payout in February and noticed...
Some of you had personal bests this month!
Some of you earned cash bonuses for new sales volume!
Some of you will be getting your first check EVER since you started online marketing.
You've told us that is due to the training you've received at Worldprofit, thank you for that.
It's our continued goal to teach you how to earn consistent income from reputable online sources, teaching you exactly what you need to do to generate leads and build your email marketing list.
Towards that goal, we have been working on some new tools to help you do just that....
Here's what's new for you as a Worldprofit Silver or Platinum VIP Member.
1. TWO new landing pages have been created (build your list while generating leads for you) These are ready now! Access in your Member area under ADVERITSING TRAFFIC then click on AD EXAMPLES. The newest ones are at the top. No cost.
2. Ebooks as giveaways are now being integrated into new Landing Pages You can pick and choose from up to 8 ebooks and add them to your landing pages as incentives to increase your leads. System sends an email automatically to the respondent with links to get the ebooks. You get a lead! No work for you in sending out the ebooks! Your lead gets their eBook choices instantly! No cost.
3. Ebook Rebrander (Version 2) Time-saving lead generation you are going to LOVE! To be released in next 7 days. No cost.
George moved on to provide an overview of two new Worldprofit services.
A. Super Solo Ads
This is a new commissionable item for Dealers to sell, or you can purchase the Super Solo Traffic Package for yourself. You simply submit your ad, and your ad is then hand submitted to 11 high traffic safelists. Included is several other generous membership bonuses. The Super Solo Ad Packages are offered now at an introductory price that will be increased. The value of the inclusions in this package is far higher than the purchase price and they are time consuming for our staff so we have no choice but to increase the cost. You get an email every time your ad is submitted and you can check the status within your Member area. You can re-order if you like. -> Access to the Super Solo Package is in your Worldprofit Member area, on LEFT MENU select SUPER SOLO TRAFFIC Packs.
George offered some secrets to Solo Ads that generate LEADS.
Keep your ads short in length and punchy in style. Use an eye-catching subject line. List the BENEFITS clearly in your offer. Include ONE link.
In summary: TELL people what they get, then provide the link to get it NOW!
B. George demonstrated the new Pintrest Blog. It's available now. Example George has recorded a video showing you you benefit from this Pintrest Blog He reveals something that is included that is yet another income resource for you! The blog takes time for our staff to install so there is a one time cost for installation. For more information, in your Member area on LEFT MENU, select PLUGINS/BLOGS/Cpanel then select PINTREST STYLE BLOG. All of these tools are provided as FUEL for your online business to help you generate leads and build your email marketing list.
Recommended Safelist.
LOL Solo Ads has been added to the Money Makers section of your member area, click on MONEY MAKERS KIT, there you will see LOL Solos. This is a highly recommended Safelist offered by a very clever business woman, Maria McCarthy.
Price Change Notice
Worldprofit's Video Blogs are currently priced at an Introductory one time installation cost of $67, the price IS going up in the next few days to $97. If you want to get the lower price, buy now. Access: In your Member area on LEFT MENU, select PLUGINS/BLOGS/Cpanel then VIDEO BLOGS.
Staying up to date with what's going on...
Four ways to stay up to date.
- Message Center (located in your member area above the Live Business Center
- Facebook Worldprofit Group
- Worldprofit Bootcamp newsletters (mails to you 3 - 4 times per week) make sure it's not going into your SPAM folder.
- Attend the LIVE training each week with George Kosch, or watch the recordings posted to the TRAINING section.
Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp training with George Kosch. The recording will be posted to your Member area within 24 hours in the TRAINING section.
Next LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch is Friday morning - every Friday morning!
Interested in learning how to earn online from reputable sources? You can get access to this weekly interactive training and more. Sign up to be a free Worldprofit Associate member today. We've been helping people all over the world earn extra income from home for over 20 years now. We've love to help you too! Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol
Have you ever wondered how some businesses got to be so successful on the internet? Their success did not come by luck, but it came by knowing how to market effectively on the internet. You can also gain that knowledge. Find out some of the things that these marketers did to achieve success.
A great internet marketing tip to increase the amount of visitors who will purchase your products is to reword headlines and testimonials in order too see what type of information gets better results. Try rewording titles and headlines while including the same information to see which ones work better than others. Use Email marketing effectively. If you allow your customers to sign up for a mailing list, you are going to be able to attract them back to your site by emailing them the latest products and sales. You can even include a special discount to them for signing up to receive the emails from your site. Try including small free products when your customers buy something from your website. You can use buttons, bumper stickers, window decals, pens, etc. Go with products that you can put your name or logo on so that they remember where it came from and other people can see where it came from as well. If you are attempting to promote a product, service, or business using a web site, create a "news" page about your business. Having a press release up on your site, especially if you post new ones on a regular basis, will increase your search engine visibility and make your site seem more up-to-date to visitors. Use terms like "guaranteed" and "money back," in your marketing campaigns. Customers like knowing that you stand behind your product enough to offer a guarantee that they will be satisfied. It will also help people who are on the fence about purchasing your product, go ahead and take the leap, since they feel they can return it if they aren't happy. Mention the address of your website in your voicemail greetings and include it in your email signature lines. Get the word out to people that you have a web page. Prospective customers have more trust in companies that have online presences and it allows them to see who you are before they even talk to you. When you are trying to use internet marketing for your small business, you should take a look at the content of your site. You want make sure that the information will grab the attention of prospective customers. So, try to add new content often, to prevent people from becoming bored of your site. As you can see, there are many things that you can do to give your internet business a boost. It will take time, effort, and some trial and error. However, if you keeping learning about internet marketing techniques and applying what you have learned, like what you have learned from here, you will achieve the success that you are looking for.
Ruthsella Corasol is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter.
Worldprofit offers an earn at home training program that includes LIVE interactive weekly training supplemented with a series of online training lessons. Put simply, we teach you how to market online step-by-step and earn commission when sales are made.
Internet marketing is new to most people. So that you understand how to market ANY product online it's important that you understand the basics of promotion. Worldprofit's training teaches you actual tested, proven and effective methods to market online. We provide you the services to sell including ads for posting, places to advertise, and software to evaluate the results of your advertising.
Worldprofit offers a "multiple streams of income" model meaning that you can earn commission from a number of sources and vendors, not just Worldprofit. To make it easier for newbies, we have simplified the basic training so Members can graduate from the basic bootcamp training by making a least ONE SALE of a Silver Membership. Once you have graduated from Worldprofit's Bootcamp basic training you can progress into the advanced training with more complex marketing concepts, and apply the skills acquired to market any online business, product, or affiliate program. The skills you learn in the training and the software and traffic we provide can be used to PROMOTE any online business, or affiliate program.
Think of it like riding a bike. We teach you to ride one bike, then you can apply the cycling skills you've acquired to master cycling on ANY kind of bike.
Your Worldprofit member area is packed with tools, software and resources to help you build your own successful online business. If you don't follow our training though, you won't know how to use those resources to your maximum benefit.
The following guidelines are to keep you on the right track to understand both WHAT you are doing and WHY you are doing it. Sometimes when we learn a new skill we don't immediately see how a simple step can lead to the desired goal. Being adults learners we like to look for short cuts to save time. Having been in this business, over 20 years now we like to think we know a thing or two about online marketing that newbies don't know. We've packaged our expertise and experience into Worldprofit's popular Home Business Bootcamp. We urge you to follow the training lesson by lesson so you can understand why learning to be a profitable marketer requires understanding some very important basic concepts.
These are the 3 absolute MUSTS for new marketers in Worldprofit's earn at home training program.
1. You must follow and stick to the Home Business Bootcamp Training lessons.
2. You must understand WHAT to promote, WHERE to promote and HOW to promote.
3. You must understand the CRITICAL IMPORTANCE of consistent promotion to generate continuous leads (ASSOCIATES) while growing your email marketing list.
What to do next. 1. In your Member area you will find the Home Business Bootcamp Training program created over the last 20 years by marketing expert and cofounder of Worldprofit, George Kosch. When you login to your Member area, scroll down the page and there you will see the Bootcamp Training Lessons. There are TWO videos recorded especially for NEW MEMBERS, watch those. Really watch them. Don't skip. Don't daydream. Listen to what George Kosch is teaching you. It is essential that you master the most basic of the skills in order to move on.
2. Get a pad of paper or a spiral bound notebook and a pen. Write down notes as you listen to those videos. When George provides instruction about joining Safelists and Exchanges, and you actually start doing this, WRITE DOWN the Safelists and Exchanges you join along with your User Name and Passwords. When you are first getting started just join at least ONE Safelist and ONE Traffic Exchange so you understand what they are and how they work.
3. When you are posting Ads to the Safelists and Exchanges, use the AD EXAMPLES (landing pages) we provide in your Member area. It doesn't matter which one you use, just get started so you see how to promote landing pages.
Now, you may think the above is simple but now we share WHY you are doing this.
A. Leads are generated from LANDING PAGES and NOT from your website.
You should only promoteLANDING PAGES to the Safelists and Exchanges. You MUST understand this. Your goal is to generate Associate sign ups, daily if you can. The reason you promote landing pages is because you will see a HIGHER conversion of leads (Associates) into actual sales.
B. When you sign up leads (free Associate members) you are ALSO building your email marketing list.
Every successful marketer understands that you must have email marketing lists, the bigger the better, the more the greater profitability you will enjoy. The reason is because you then have access to a LIST of prospects who you can send offers. Offers produce sales! That's money in your pocket. When you sign up Associates (leads) using the Landing Pages, you are building your own LIST of Associates. This is your first list! This is your first list of buyers!
PLUS, when you sign up Associates they also receive a newsletter from Worldprofit that we send on your behalf filled with offers and incentives to get them to login to their Member area to see what Worldprofit offers. Those who upgrade from a free Associate membership to a paid Silver Membership get FULL privileges and access to our training - and YOU earn a commission. As you become a more experienced marketer you learn from the more advanced training other ways to build your Associates list, and other kinds of email marketing lists too. When you have your own email marketing list you have a ONE CLICK method to make money. Send out an offer to your list and you generate sales! This is covered in more detail in the training, the purpose of telling you this now is only to help you understand the IMPORTANCE of list building.
Think of your email marketing list as a LIFE Insurance Policy for your business. In the course of your lifetime as a online marketer you may change programs, or opportunities over a dozen times or more. Successful marketers promote more than one program at any given time. Your businesses may change but your list STAYS with you. If you are no longer involved with Program XYZ, your list is still there ready to receive your promotions when you move on the program ABC. If you stop promoting Widget123 and start promoting Widget5000, your list is still there!
As long as you have a list of prospects you have a list of potential BUYERS.
The bigger you grow your list over time the more potential buyers you have!
We talk to people every day who tell us they have been doing business online for years yet SHOCKINGLY many of those people didn't know what a list was, or why they needed one until they started Worldprofit's Bootcamp training. When they figure it out they are kicking themselves in the butt for not having started a list years ago. Every time they start a new program or opportunity they are starting over again from scratch without a lead, without a list of buyers. OUCH! That hurts in the wallet. Those who do have some understanding of what a list is don't know what to promote, or don't know how to find an email marketing service. That's where Worldprofit comes in. Our training teaches you this stuff, fills in the missing pieces so your business is complete and sustainable for YEARS to come. We understand that an online business is ALIVE, you must feed it, keep it GROWING over time. We at Worldprofit, want to be the company that continues to provide you the cutting edge tools, and resources to keep YOUR business growing profitably for years to come.
We hope this helps you understand WHY we ask you to follow the steps of the bootcamp to learn and apply the skills. The small things we teach you lead you to a much bigger picture. These skills are the stepping stones for the foundation of your successful online business.
Ok, to recap.
Your GOAL is to PROMOTE the LANDING PAGES so you generate Associate sign ups and build your list.
Now, let's talk about Worldprofit's Live Business Center (LBC) and how that's working for you.
This unique Worldprofit ONLY service operates 24 hours a day. The LBC is manned by a team of people called MONITORS who volunteer their time to help members of our community makes sales while they themselves learn about online marketing. No other company offers you this kind of sales closing assistance. Think about it. Your job is to PROMOTE and generate Associate sign ups. When people sign up to be a free Associate member from one of your landing pages they are AUTOMATICALLY directed to the Live Business Center. Then our LIVE Monitors greet those people and make them an offer to upgrade to Silver membership. If you remember, when you first joined Worldprofit you likely went through the same process. You found yourself in the LIVE BUSINESS CENTER, one of our Monitors or Dr. Lant made you an offer and you upgraded to Silver Membership! This system operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You refer people and we try and close your sales. Now not everyone will upgrade, that's a fact. But some people will and when they do you earn a commission. That's why it's SO important that you work hard consistently to PROMOTE so you have a steady supply of Associates coming in to the LIVE BUSINESS Center. If you don't refer anyone we have no one to close for you! We can't convert nothing into something! The more people you refer by using the promotional tools we give you, the greater the conversion rate from free Associate members to paid Silver members. You only get paid when someone upgrades to Silver Membership so that is why you want GOOD quality leads! Our training teaches you how to get those good quality leads, real people, not computer-generated fake leads.
Now let's talk about your advertising and evaluation of your promotions.
Not all advertising is equal. To help you out we have compiled a list of recommended Safelist and Exchanges for free or low cost advertising as well as some recommended paid sources for solo ads, login ads, and swaps. We also have an advertising co-op popular with our Members called FastTrack where we buy the advertising and send the leads to those Members in the co-op. It's called FastTrack and details are in your Member area under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section.
We do not want you to get ripped off by buying fake leads, or buying mass lists, so please use the recommended sites noted above they are located in the ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC section. To also help you, we have provided an AD TRACKER tool and included it in your Membership. George talks about the Ad Tracker in the training. Post your ads then check your Ad Tracker to see what kind of results you are getting. George advises for those just getting started to set a goal for at least 200 clicks per day on your links. That's a MINIMUM so if you have been at this a while set your goal for daily clicks higher than that. If you are not using the Ad Tracker to evaluate your promotion you are advertising in the dark.
Speaking of goals, let's focus on your Associates.
We've talked about why Associate are so important. We've talked about list building. Let's talk now about setting goals for how many Associates you have. Remember, the Associates you refer go on your ASSOCIATES list and in your Prospect Manager for easy follow up.
When you first start, set a goal of signing up ONE Associate a day. When you sign up an Associate and they login, you will KNOW as our system sends you an email. Now if that person does not upgrade to Silver Membership don't despair. It's a tough business, but YOU are determined, and YOU are going to keep promoting, keep signing up Associate members from those landing pages. Be assured that as long as YOU are promoting to get Associates signed up, we are waiting in the LIVE Business Center to make your referrals an offer. We want to earn their business just as we did yours. Don't
you feel better just knowing that all you have to do is promote? You don't have to close the sales, or make a sales pitch, or know everything about Worldprofit or marketing. All you have to do is promote those landing pages to generate Associate sign ups so our Monitors can make them a terrific offer to join our home business community as a Silver member.
Ok so let's recap again. In learning ANY new skill, repetition leads to MASTERY.
Your goal is to use the recommended advertising resources, to promote the landing pages so you can generate Associate sign ups while building your list.
Good. I can see you are sticking with it because you are still reading this! That's important. So many people who GIVE up on online marketing, calling it a scam, really just gave up on themselves. They didn't take the time to learn the basics, apply the skills, commit to doing the work then allowing time to see results.
Now, we realize that when we learn a new skill it's easy to get overwhelmed, get frustrated, get stuck. But we are here for you 7 days a week to help you. That's right Worldprofit's Support Team is here 7 days a week, the Monitors are in the Live Business Center 24 hours a day, and the online bootcamp training is self-paced and includes video tutorials. You are not alone as you learn this material we are here to help you every step of the way.
To help keep you focused, here are 3 questions you need to ask yourself every day - if you are really serious about building your online business and earning income from your effort.
1. How many ads have you run? 2. How many clicks are showing on your Ad Tracker?
3. How many Associates have you signed up today?
Write these questions down and post on your computer, on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror, or on your dog's forehead. Commit them to memory but post them as a visual aid to keep you on track EVERY day. If you don't know where to find the ads, if you don't know what an Ad Tracker is, if you don't know what an Associate is and how to get more, go back to the bootcamp training. Watch the Video for Beginner's again. These questions all related to the basics you must master.
See you at the LIVE interactive Home Business Training held every Friday, presented by Worldprofit co-founder George Kosch, marketing expert, and YOUR personal bootcamp instructor.
This concludes Part 1. In Part 2 we will discuss how to use what you have just learned so you can promote your own affiliate programs, or any of the OTHER income sources in your Worldprofit Member area. Specifically the ClickBank Products, the Money Makers Products, and the FastCash program.
Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit and one of the co-founders. For the last 20 years, Worldprofit has provided training and support for small and home based businesses. Worldprofit's Home Business Bootcamp has grown to the #1 popular choice for learning how to earn at home. Get a free Worldprofit Associate Membership and see how we can help you earn online from reputable income sources. Republished with author's permission by Ruthsella Corasol